
Amazing Science Facts. Which Is Known To Exist Or Something Something That Is Known To Have Happened Or To Exist, Especially Something For Which Proof Exists, Or About Which There Is Information

Friday, August 31, 2018

Unbelievable Facts about Space:

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Unbelievable Facts about Space

Today we will tell you some strange facts related to space. This is a science articles on space in which we will tell you the story of space.
Even further, we will keep telling you about new information about space, then stay connected with Hindi and keep learning about common knowledge along with entertainment.

Secrets of space that are difficult to believe
Interesting News about Space

1. To make a space suit for astronauts, it takes 12 million dollars (20 million rupees)

2. You can not cry in space because your tears will not come out

3. Smells like welding smoke in space

4. In 1962, U. S. exploded a hydrogen bomb in space, which was 100 times more powerful than a bomb that fell on Hiroshima.

5. Astronauts believe that the sun rises and sinks 15 times in a day

6. In 1977 there were some signals for 72 seconds from space, which have not been known till date where the signal came from

7. Most astronauts go into space to be 2 inches tall

8. You will not be convinced that vast reservoir of water is present in the floating stage, which is millions of times more than the water of the sea.

9. In the International Space Station, the water of toilet water is filtered to make potable water

10. NASA is preparing special pizzas for astronauts
11. International Space Station is as big as a football field
Antariksh Astronauts
12. The circle made around Saturn is made up of ice, dust and stones.

13. On breathing in space, the person can live up to 30 seconds only

14. Sun looks white from space

15. China's wall is not visible from space but China's pollution is visible

16. You can not whistle in the space suit

17. Cockroaches grow faster in space than in Earth

18. International Space Station astronauts have to exercise 2 hours daily

19. In spite of not having gravity in space, he comes back after throwing boomerang.

20. American astronauts can vote in the elections from space

21. NASA astronauts ate food for the first time in space on August 10, 2015

22. Russian scientists carry guns in space to protect themselves
23. Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman astronaut

24. The nails of the astronauts themselves become smaller during walking in space

25. In space you can not duck

26. When the space is in space, the heart of astronauts becomes spherical

27. Astronauts believe that there are about 100 billion galaxies in space

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