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Thursday, September 6, 2018

15 Interesting Facts about Andromeda Galaxy

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15 Interesting Facts about Andromeda Galaxy - Andromeda Galaxy Facts

Andromeda Galaxy Facts Hindi - Galaxy is the house of stars, in which billions of trillion stars keep practicing the same house simultaneously. Our sun is also a star and revolves around its Milky Way Galaxy. Just like our Milky Way Galaxy, our neighboring galaxy is also known as Andromeda.
This galaxy is like the Milky Way galaxy and there are billions of trillion stars in it too. Our modern technology is not yet capable enough to understand this vast house of stars, yet we know a little bit about this galaxy. Today we will keep the same knowledge in front of you and tell about 15 interesting facts about it ...
Constellation: Andromeda
Type: Spiral
Diameter: 220,000 light years
Distance: 26 million light-years
Mass: 400 to 700 billion barrels of sun
Age: 4.5 billion years
Stars: 1 trillion
Group: Local Group
Apparent magnitude: +3.44
Designation: M31, NGC 224
1. Andromeda is a spiral galaxy that is located 25 million light-years away from our galaxy. From Earth, this spiral galaxy is at a distance of 24 billion to two billion kilometers.

2. The Andromeda Galaxy is also known as Messier 31 (Messier 31) or M31.

3. In the galaxy's group, Andromeda is the largest galaxy. This local group is a group of 54 galaxies.

4. Scientists believe that this galaxy has more than 1 trillion stars.

5. The estimated mass of Andromeda (mass) is equal to 400 billion Suns. In other words, it has a mass of 400 billion Suns mass (from the Sun we are talking about the sun of our solar system)
6. The diameter of this spiral galaxy is 260,000 light years.

7. Andromeda is moving towards the Milky Way Galaxy at a speed of 100-140 kilometers per second. Scientists believe that these galaxies may collide in the coming few billion years.

8. In 2010, a team of astronomers had proposed that 5 to 9 billion years ago, two small galaxies collided with each other and merged together, and this merger came in the Andromeda Galaxy.

9. Apart from super-huge black holes in the center of Andromeda, there are 26 and black holes inside this galaxy.

10. This galaxy appears in the area of Andromeda constellation and hence its name is the Andromeda galaxy. Andromeda was the name of the legendary Greek princess.
11. Andromeda is a huge galaxy with two small satellite galaxies known as M32 and M110. But these two galaxies are constantly under the influence of the Andromeda Galaxy.

12. Spirals of Andromeda constantly worsen. This distortion is due to the force of gravity of M32 and M 110.

13. A huge horde of about 450 stars in orbit around this galaxy, some of them are so vast and full of starry populations that even scientists seem to be very bizarre.

14. Andromeda Galaxy is one of the most distant objects that you can find with naked eyes. To see it, you will need a good place in bright light.

15. Since it is the closest spiral galaxy to us, astronomers have studied this galaxy to understand the origin of the galaxy and to develop such galaxies.

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