
Amazing Science Facts. Which Is Known To Exist Or Something Something That Is Known To Have Happened Or To Exist, Especially Something For Which Proof Exists, Or About Which There Is Information

Thursday, September 20, 2018

planet Earth :

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planet Earth :

• Earth is the only planet on the solar system on which life is possible.

• Earth moves around the Sun with a move of 29.72 kilometers per second on the elliptical path. The earth takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes, 46 seconds to revolve around the sun.
• The time that the earth takes to orbit the Sun is called solar time.
• The equatorial diameter of the earth is approximately 12756 kilometers and the polar diameter is approximately 12714 kilometers.
• Earth is third in the distance from the sun.
• The sunlight takes eight seconds to 18 seconds to reach the earth while the light of the moon takes 1 minute 25 seconds.
• There is only one satellite on Earth, the moon
• Earth is at the fifth place in the size and mass of planets.
• Earth takes a whirl around 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds with a speed of approximately 1610 kilometers per hour on its axis east of the west.
• The earth is located at a distance of approximately 15.21 million kilometers from the Sun on July 4. This state of the Earth and the Sun is called Assoor.
• Earth is at a distance of 14.70 million kilometers of Sun on January 3. This state of the Earth and the Sun is called Upassure.
• The nearest star of Earth is the Proxima Century after sun, which is about 4.22 light years away from Earth.
• Earth has leaned 231/20 on its axis, due to which the season changes here.
• The average distance of the Sun from Earth is about 15 million kilometers.
• There is water on 71% of the Earth and 29% is terrestrial. Due to the presence of water, it appears blue in space, hence it is called blue planet.

planet Earth :

Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only planet in the known universe where life is present. It is the largest planet in the Solar System and the largest planet in four terrestrial planets. According to radioactive dating and other sources of evidence, the Earth is about 4.54 billion years old. In Earth's gravity, it is interconnected with other objects, especially with the Sun and Moon, which is the only natural satellite on earth.
During the orbiting around the Sun, the earth rotates in its orbit 365 times. In this way, one year of the Earth is about 365.26 days long. During the orbiting of the earth, it is inclined in its axis, due to which the seasonal variations are found on the surface of the planet.
Due to gravity between Earth and Moon, tides come in the sea, it stabilizes the earth on its own axis and slows down its rotation. The earth is not only human but also of other millions of species, as well as the only place where the existence of life is found in the universe.
The blooming of life on its surface appeared almost a billion years ago. The ideal conditions for the origin of life on Earth were not only available from earlier but since the origin of life, in order of development, the living beings have changed the planet's atmosphere and other adolescent conditions and have given its environment the present form.
The present abundance of oxygen in the atmosphere of the Earth is not the cause of the origin of life, but the result is also. Both organisms and the atmosphere have evolved with respect to interdependence. With the transmission of respiratory organisms on Earth, the ozone layer was formed, which creates the second layer to prevent harmful radiation with the Earth's magnetic field and thus allows life on Earth.
The crust of the earth is divided into several rigid segments or tectonic plates which have been displaced from one place to another during geological history. In terms of area, approximately 71% of the surface is covered with brine of ocean, remaining in the rest of the continent and island and sweet water lakes etc. Water is essential for all known life, which is not known to exist on the surface of any other cosmic body.
The internal structure of the earth has resulted in three major layers: Crust, Bhuprapar and Crode. Out of this, the outer core is in a liquid state and acts with the internal core of a solid iron and nickel and produces the magnetic or magnetism field in the earth. Earth interacts with other objects in the outer space with Sun and Moon. At present, the Earth roughly rotates its axis approximately 366.26 times, the length of this time is a sidereal year, which is equal to 365.26 solar day of the earth's rotation The axis is bent over its vertical axis at a distance of 23.4, which creates seasonal diversity on the surface of the planet during the period of a tropical year.
The only natural satellite in the Earth is the Moon, which started its orbiting 4.53 billion years ago. It produces marine tide by its charm power, keeps the polar tilt steady and gradually slows the rotation of the earth. A comet bombing during the early history of the planet played a role in the formation of the oceans. Later the impact of the asteroid made significant changes on the surface of the surface.

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