
Amazing Science Facts. Which Is Known To Exist Or Something Something That Is Known To Have Happened Or To Exist, Especially Something For Which Proof Exists, Or About Which There Is Information

Monday, September 3, 2018

Know Amazing Science Interesting Facts :-

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Know Amazing Science Interesting Facts:-

Friends, rochak facts are such things that everyone wants to know or read. Because of this, more information is available in less time, hence the importance of these facts increases and the fun increases. Today in this post we will present some rochak facts with you that can prove to be beneficial for you.

 The number of bacteria present on the human body is much higher than the number of organisms on Earth.

1. Honey is one of the food items that are never bad. This can be gauged from the fact that when historians tasted honey from the pyramids of thousands of years old Egypt, then they were in a suitable condition.

2. Anyone can live without eating many days or weeks, but he can live only for 10-11 years without sleeping.

3.  The cat is an animal that spends 65% of its life.

4. A born child can not weep for nearly 5-6 months, because by that time his lacrimal glands do not develop the asula's gland.

5. A mosquito can live only for 24 hours. Also, the mosquito attracts the most towards Neel.

6.  Dakar is usually seen as digestion or food digestion. But do you know when the time of food is more than the air goes away in the stomach and when it comes out of the mouth, then it is said in the real sense that it is called burak

7. According to one figure, women of India alone have 12 percent of the gold in the world as gold.

8. Normally you are given free WIFI at an airport or railway station for only half an hour. If this time limit is reached, you can start your trail again by deleting your mobile or laptop's cookies.

9.  Have you mistakenly sent a message that you do not want to do to that person? If this happens, then quickly put your phone in airplane mode. When the message fails to deliver, delete it.

10. While cutting onions, Aasu comes in the eye due to sign-propantial-S-oxide, but do you know if the chewing gum is chewed while cutting an onion, asana does not appear in the eyes at all.

11. Do you want to download any video from youtube? If yes then any youtube is also www from the url of a youtube video. Delete and type ss and then search.

12. Just as fingerprints of every person have different marks, so does every person's tongue tone differently.

13.  Do you know that listening to songs from headphones only for one to two hours increases the number of bacteria in our ears to about 700 %?

14.  Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where there is no river.

 The highest gold in the world is found in South Africa.

15.  France is one of the world's countries where mosquitoes are not found

16. The cockroach is an organism that can survive many days after biting the head because the cockroach's mind is in its body. In the end, the cause of his death is not eaten.

17.  At the time of the birth of every human being, the number of bones in his body is close to 300, but when grown, this number decreases to 206 in our body.

18.  A child's gender (male or female) is determined by her father's sex chromosomes.

19. Nepal is one of the world's countries that has never been the slave of anyone.

20. Do you know that between Delhi and Mumbai, the distance from Delhi is much more than the distance of Kabul from the capital of Afghanistan? Mumbai is 1400km away from Delhi, whereas Delhi from Kabul is 1000km away.
21.  Bees have 5 eyes on the body.

22. The world's largest army is the Liberation Army of China.

23.  When a person remembers or learns a new thing, then there is some change in the structure of his mind.

24. Charge the phone quickly by placing it in the airplane mode. This will charge your phone fast enough.

25.  According to research, those who are born in November are suffering from excess stress and depression compared to other people.

26.  Expiry date written on any bottle of water is not to spoil the water, but the bottle is bad.

27. The number of obese people in the world is in the US.

28. The number of patients with the highest depression in France is in France.
29.  Google is considered to be the most cautious company of its employees. If an employee of Google dies during his tenure, then the next 10 years, the person's wife or husband is given 50 percent of his salary. And as soon as they are 19, their children are also given 1000 us dollars.

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