
Amazing Science Facts. Which Is Known To Exist Or Something Something That Is Known To Have Happened Or To Exist, Especially Something For Which Proof Exists, Or About Which There Is Information

Thursday, September 20, 2018

weather and climate :

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weather and climate :

There is no fixed boundary of the Earth's atmosphere, it gradually becomes thin towards the sky and disappears in outer space. Three-fourths of the mass of the atmosphere lies within 11 kilometers of the surface. The lowest layer is called trophosphire. From the energy of the Sun, it sinks down the layer and under which the wind expands.
This low-density air goes upwards and cool, high density is replaced in the air. As a result, atmospheric circulation is formed, which runs weather and climate through the redistribution of thermal energy. The primary atmospheric circulation bar consists of the commercial wind of the western wind in the equator range below 300 latitude and between 300 and 600 in mid-latitudes.
Ocean currents are also an important factor in determining climate, especially thermohail circulation which distributes thermal energy from the equatorial oceans to the polar regions. Water vapor circulation methods generated from surface vaporization are transported into the atmosphere.
When hot and humid air goes upwards due to atmospheric conditions, then this vapor is denser and comes back to the surface in the form of rain. Most of the water is then taken down by the river systems and usually deposited in oceans or lakes. This water cycle is an important mechanism for life on land and in the end it is a primary factor of surface degradation.
The distribution of rainfall is quite different, on several occasions, there is less than one milliliter of rain per year, in some places. The difference in atmospheric circulation, topographical characteristics and temperature, determines average rainfall in every region. With increasing latitude, the amount of solar energy that reaches the surface of the Earth decreases.
On high latitudes, the sunlight reaches the surface from the lower angle and it has to go through the thick queues of the atmosphere. As a result, the average annual air temperature at sea level is less than 0.4 degree Celsius in latitude compared to the equator.
The surface of the Earth can be divided into nearly identical clusters in the distinctive axis band. From the equator to the polar regions, it is said in tropical, sub-tropical, temperate and polar climate. The proximity of the oceans controls the climate. For example, in the Scandinavian Peninsula there is a moderate generous climate compared to northern latitudes similar to northern Canada.

Magnetic Field :

The Earth has its own magnetic field which is formed from the electric current of the outer nucleus. Solar wind makes the earth's magnetic field and the upper atmosphere together. The irregularities in all these factors keep the earth's magnetic poles moving and sometimes even vice versa.
The Earth's magnetic field and solar wind together make the van Anderson radiation leash, which is a combination of plasma-shaped donate rings and which is in the ring of the four corners of the earth. The outer lease is from 19,000 kms to 41,000 kms, while the strap is 13,000 kms to 7600 kms.

Revolution of the Earth:

Relative to the Sun, the orbital period of the earth is 86,400 seconds. Solar days in the earth are 0 and 2 SI ms every day longer than the 19th century, due to which there is a tidal recession. Relative relative to the stars, the rotation period of the Earth, which is called a stellar day by the International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service, the average solar time is 86,164.0989091 seconds or 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.098909191986 seconds. In addition to the meteors inside the satellites of the atmosphere and lower orbits, the main speed of celestial bodies in the Earth's sky is 15 ° / h = 15 '/ min at the west.

Natural resources and land use:

There are many resources in the world that has been exploited by humans, non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels, are renewed only on geological time span. Large reserves of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas etc. are obtained from inside the Earth's surface.
These resources are used by humans for chemical production as energy production and feedstock. This is also the creation of mineral ore bodies through the process of ore production. There are many useful products for humans in the earth, including many organic products such as food, wood, medicine, oxygen and many organic wastewater.
Depending on the land based ecosystem, upper soil and fresh water, and the marine ecosystem relies on nutrients flowing out of the ground. In 1980, there were forests on the land area of ​​5,053 million hectares of land, 6,788 million hectares of grasslands and pasture area and 1501 million hectare area was cultivated. In 1993, the estimated area of ​​irrigated land was 2,481,250 square kilometers. By building a building, the people also live on the land.

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