
Amazing Science Facts. Which Is Known To Exist Or Something Something That Is Known To Have Happened Or To Exist, Especially Something For Which Proof Exists, Or About Which There Is Information

Saturday, September 1, 2018

26 Amazing Facts About Venus

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26 Amazing Facts About  Venus
1. The circuit of Venus tends to 177 degrees and the Uranus bends up to 97 degrees.

2. Almost 98 % of our body's atoms are changed every year.
3. Hot water is heavier than cold water.
4. All planets of the solar system can be included in Jupiter.
5. The word was first used in 1883.

6. The power dropped from the sky is 5 times hotter than the sun.
7. When the plane returns from space, the length of them increases by 2 inches. The reason for this is that the flexible bones attached to our spinal cord get spread in the absence of gravity force.
8. A person can live one month without eating but 7 days without water. If the amount of water in the body is less than 1 percent then you start feeling thirsty. If this quantity is reduced by 10 percent, then you will die.
9. The sound will move about 15 times more speed in the air than the air.
10. When the speed of a jet plane is 1000 kilometers per hour, then its length decreases one atom.
11. When hydrogen burns in the air then water becomes formed as a result of this action.
12. The light takes 100,000 years to go from one end of the galaxy to the other end.
13. The weight of a medium-sized cloud is equal to 80 elephants.
14. Plutonium is the first element created by humans.

15. So far, only one meteorite has been destroyed by the 1 meteor mass. This satellite was the Olympics (1993) of the European Space Agency.

16. If you go into space, you will die before the body bursts instead of kneeling, because there is no air pressure.
17. Radioactive element Americanium-241 is used in many smoked substances.
18. An astronomer Frank Drake, keeping in mind many of the topics related to space, many equations demonstrated that in our sky Ganga (Mandakini) 1000-10000 planets, except earth, can be on such a way that life can be realized. Not only that, in 1974, according to great mathematician Carl Sagan, there should be only 10 lakhs of people in our galaxy.
19. To measure temperatures from one perspective, Celsius Sakel was made more than Fahrenheit Sakel. But its manufacturer Anders Celsius was a scientist of awe-inspiring nature. When he first developed this syllable, he accidentally made the accumulated quality of 100 and the Uberal rating of 0 degrees. But no one could encourage him to say this mistake, after all the scientists waited for his death to cure Sakel.
20. Earth is the only planet whose name has not been named above any god or masculine has been kept.
21. According to Albert-Einstein, we see millions of stars in the sky in the sky and there is no other place. We have the light of many millions of light years left by him.
22. When the moon is all over your head then your weight gets a little reduced.
23. You will be surprised to know that you can start a fire from a piece of ice.

24. Fahrenheit Scale and Celsius are equal to -40 degrees.
25. Venus has not leaned around its axis like the other planets, and therefore it does not have seasons, and it revolves around the sun from the other planets on the opposite direction.

26. There is no 'j' letter in the Periodic Table of Elements.

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