
Amazing Science Facts. Which Is Known To Exist Or Something Something That Is Known To Have Happened Or To Exist, Especially Something For Which Proof Exists, Or About Which There Is Information

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Pole Star

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Pole Star

1. Only 9096 strings can be seen from the naked eyes in the sky; you will have to use binoculars to see more than this, and almost all the stars are bigger and more bright than the sun. Now let's talk about how many stars in the sky? There are about 2 to 4 trillion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, and such a sky has 1 trillion galaxies. Overall, there are so many stars in the universe that 1 followed by 24 zero. Meaning, more than the sand particles. Even if you count 100 stars in 1 minute, you will take 2000 years to count the entire galaxy.

Who is the star, what is the stars, the origin of the stars, the life cycle of the star, how are the stars formed?

2. In our galaxy, a new star is formed every 18 days. All the stars begin their life as a dust cloud called the Nebulae. These are made up of 74% hydrogen and 25% helium. The nuclear reaction happens with the help of hydrogen in its core so that it gets so much energy that it shines for years. The life of the stars is of billions of years but the less the stars are as young as their age .. For example, take the stars, for example, it exceeds 150 times the sun and generates 40 million times more energy than just a few million years The guest is but the sun will live for a million years now. This star can turn into a supernova anytime. Whenever it happens it will be the brightest thing in the sky after sun and moon and will also be visible in the day. Before transforming into a supernova, stars take the form of red monsters and live in this condition for millions of years. After that white vaman and then take the form of black waxing, then when the supernova changes to rupture, then due to the force of gravity, a new star neutron is born. It is so interesting that I have made the idea of posting separately about it, just so much that its weight of one teaspoon material is equal to the weight of all the humans in the earth. Just read it in its post

Stars color and temperature

3. Depending on the color and temperature of the stars and the mass. It can be red, white and blue. Red wires are the coldest, with temperatures of less than 3500 Kelvin (3226 ° C). Yellow-white stars have a temperature of around 6000 Kelvin (5726 ° C), like the Sun. The hottest blue stars are those whose temperature lasts around 12,000 Kelvin (11726 ° C).

Closest star

4. Our nearest star is the Sun. But it is also 14.96 million kilometers away. The nearest star behind the Sun is Proxima Centauri, which is 4.22 light years from Earth i.e. 3 nil 99 Kharab 24 billion 28 million 25 million kilometers (39,924,282,594,290 km). The light will also take 4.2 years to reach here and now the fastest technology we have will be 75 thousand years to reach here.

Farthest star

5. In fact, the scientist is not able to find the farthest star yet, but the longest star visible from the naked eye to the dark night is 19 feet (19,000,000,000,000,000 miles) away from the distance.

The coldest star

6. WISE J085510.83-071442.5 'The coldest star in the universe. Its temperature is -48 ° C to -13 ° C. It is located 7.2 light years away from the sun. Thus it is the fourth closest star in the sun.

The hottest star

7. 2,09,726 ° C Temp. With Wolf-Rayet is the hottest star in the sky.

Biggest star

8. 'UY Scuti' is the largest star in the universe, it is 1708 times larger than the Sun and its volume is 5 billion times more than the sun. It is 9500 light years away from the Earth.

Smallest star

9. 'EBLM J0555-57Ab' is the smallest star in the universe, it is the size of the planet Saturn. It is 600 light years away. The gravitational force on this star is 300 times more than the Earth.
Brightest star
10. The star is the brightest star in the sky. It shines so much that people sometimes understand it as a UFO. It is 20 times shinier than the sun.

Oldest star

11. The average age of the stars ranges from 1 to 10 billion years. But the earliest known star is 14.46 billion years old ± 0.8 years or more than the universe. It is located 190 light years away from Earth.

Pole Star

12. People have been using the North Pole for ages to know the direction of the stars. Because they thought that other stars kept going, but it is a place fixated in the sky. But now all these stories have remained and the truth is that Dhruv is still not stable at its place.

Comet or tail

13. The cusp of stars in the sky also happens. Their tail is made of ammonia, methane, steam and ice particles, which can be millions of miles long. The direction of its tail is always towards the distance from the sun. These also detonate the sun on their axis. According to an estimate, nine new comets are discovered every year.

Why stars shine or shimmer

14. You must have heard Twinkle Twinkle Little Star poem. But this is not true. The stars are never flirting. Just think it's us. When the stars are near the horizon then they have to go through the more denser layers, so their light is sometimes less and more .. And we seem to be shining or shimmering.

15. In fact, the stars do not break, it is just our perception. Those who see us falling, are actually those meteoric objects. Then where do they fall? After entering the Earth's atmosphere from the Earth, these water rises and become ashes and they are mostly

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