
Amazing Science Facts. Which Is Known To Exist Or Something Something That Is Known To Have Happened Or To Exist, Especially Something For Which Proof Exists, Or About Which There Is Information

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Earth's surface :

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Earth's surface :
The total surface area of ​​the Earth is approximately 510 million km2 out of which 70.8% or 361.13 million km2 area is below sea level and is full of water. Below the surface of the ocean, there is a large part of the continental shelf, lying on the surface of the ocean, continental shelf, mountain, volcano, sea ditch, sea level passage, oceanic plateau, underground plains, and mid-Ocean ridge system.
The remaining 29.2%, which is not covered with water, is very different in place and is divided in mountains, deserts, plains, plateaus and other geological forms. In the process of continuously shaping the Earth's surface on geologic time, tectonics and erosion, volcanic eruption, flood, weathering, snowcaps, the development of coral reefs and meteorological effects, etc.
Continental layers are made of low-density material such as fire rocks granite and endite. The same basalt is a dense volcanic rock found often working, which is the main component of the ocean floor. Sedimentary shell is formed from the accumulation of sediment which is buried together and consolidated.
Approximately 75% of the continental surfaces are covered with sedimentary shell, although it is also only about 5% of the panels. The third form of the rocks found on the Earth is the transmuted shell which is formed by the change of the former rocking due to the high pressure of the existing shell, high temperature or both.
Silicate minerals found abundant on the surface of the earth include crystals, feldspar, amphibole, asbestos, pyroxins and oliveans. Common carbonate minerals include calcite and dolomite. The height of the land surface, the lowest in the Dead Sea-418 meters and the highest of Mount Everest is 8848 meters.
The average height of the land surface from sea level is 840 meters. The pedosphere is the outermost layer of the earth's continental surface and it is made of clay and the total agrarian land under the processes of soil formation is 10.9% of the surface of the land, 1.3% of which are grown permanently on the crops. . 40% of the land surface is used for grassland and agriculture.
Water Board :
The abundance of water on the surface of the Earth is a unique feature that separates this blue planet from the other planets of the Solar System. The oceans are mainly in the hydrosphere of the Earth but technically it is included in the water along with the source of other water present in the world, such as inland seas, lakes, rivers and underground water up to a depth of 2,000 meters.
The deepest place under water is the challenger deep of Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, with a depth of 10,911.4 meters. The mass of the oceans is approximately 1.35 × 1018 metric tons or 1/4400 of the total mass of the Earth. The ocean has an average spread of 3.618 × 108 km2 with a depth of 3682 meters, which can be estimated at 1.332 × 109 km3.
If the odd surface of all the Earth is in the same smooth area, then the depth of the ocean is 2.7 to 2.8 kilometers. About 97.5% of water is saline. The remaining 2.5% is fresh water. Most fresh water is present in the form of ice of approximately 68.7% of snow and glaciers.
The average salinity of the Earth's oceans is about 35 grams of salt per kilogram of seawater. They are mostly removed from the volcanic activity or out of the cool fire rocks and meet in the ocean. Ocean is also like a store for decomposed atmospheal gases, which can cause changes in many aquatic life, due to disturbances in climate change like El Nino.
Atmosphere on Earth:
In Earth's atmosphere 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and some quantities of argon, carbon-dioxide and water vapor. The amount of carbon dioxide on the earth should have been high, which was accumulated in the form of carbonate in the rocks, some amount was absorbed by the ocean, the remaining few quantities have been consumed by living beings.
Plate tectonic and biological activity emits and absorbs a small amount of carbon dioxide. Carbon-dye-oxide controls the surface temperature of the Earth by the greenhouse effect. The surface temperature of the green house effect is 35 degree Celsius, otherwise it is -21 ° C to 14 ° C. If the soil is not formed, then the ocean gets frozen and life becomes impossible.
Water vapor is also an essential greenhouse gas. Chemical-free oxygen is also important. Under normal circumstances, oxygen performs different compounds by doing various compounds. Oxygen is formed and controlled by various biological processes in the Earth's atmosphere. Free oxygen without life is not possible.

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