
Amazing Science Facts. Which Is Known To Exist Or Something Something That Is Known To Have Happened Or To Exist, Especially Something For Which Proof Exists, Or About Which There Is Information

Saturday, September 1, 2018

24 Stronger Science Facts People Feel Lie

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24 strong science facts people feel

Science Facts: Believing is a bit difficult, but it is close to the fact that there are still some things in the world that are beyond science and scientists. Science is still trying to solve many puzzles in the human body. In the name of science, many scientists continue to experiment with unique experiments. Today we will give you something like this "

Scientists have not been able to determine what was the color of the dinosaur till date.

Venus is one day bigger than Earth one year.

3. For your information, let's say -40 degrees Fahrenheit -40 degrees Celsius.

4. Density of Saturn planet is so small that if the vessel is full of water in the large vessel of water and it is inserted in it, it will start swimming in it.

5. No matter how low the temperature is, gasoline is never stored.

6. When you climb straight up the mountain, your knees are three times the weight on your body.

7. If all the stars of the sky are made like salt grains, they can fill the whole swimming pool of the entire sea.

8. As long as it does not go against any object, the air does not seem to sound.

9. Jupiter is such a big planet that if all other planets join together, then the joint planet will be smaller than Jupiter.

10. A person can live a month without eating but 7 days without water. If the amount of water in the body is less than 1 percent then you start to feel thirsty. If this amount falls below 10 percent then you will die.

11. Until now, only one fictitious satellite has been destroyed by meteorites. This satellite was the European Space Agency's Olympic (1993).

12. Celsius Scale is designed to be more intelligent than the Fahrenheit scale to measure temperature from a perspective. But its producer Andro Celsius was an outstanding scientist. When he developed this scale for the first time, he accidentally got 100 degree credits and degree of Depression 0 degree. But after all scientists awaiting his death to cure Sakeel, no one could encourage him to say this mistake.

13. According to Albert Einstein we see millions of stars in the sky at night, but there is no place. We have the light of many millions of light shades left by them.

14. It is usually taught in classrooms that the speed of light is 3 lakh kilometers per second. But in reality this speed is 2,99,792 kilometers per second. It is 1,86,287 miles per second.

15. In October 1992, the size of the big ice ball was broken by the Antarctic in London in October 1992.

16. If we want to go to Galaxy closer to the speed of light, we will take 20 years.

17. The world's heaviest metal is osmium. Its 2 feet long, wide and high stitching is equal to one elephant.

18. When water was formed with water, approximately 10% of the water will fly. This is the reason that water is stored on the tray in our refrigerator.

19. You will be surprised to hear the cost of the world's most expensive item. After knowing its name, you will not even think its value will be high. Most of you can think of it as gold, silver or diamonds. If so, then you are in misunderstanding. Is the world's most expensive substance. Antibody is a type of substance that is made in antigens such as pajetran, per-proton, per-neutron. These counter-protons and counter-neutrina are made in quark. Listening to its cost, your senses will fly. By selling 1 gram equivalent, 100 small countries of the world can be bought. Yes, the price of 1 gram per person is 31 lakh 25 thousand crores. According to NASA, antibacterial is the most expensive material on Earth. Creating 1 ml antibody costs 160 million rupees. Where it is built, there is the world's best security system. Not only in institutions like NASA, there is a strong security cover to keep it. Apart from some people, no antiparadha can reach. It is interesting that flying planes for other planets in space can be used as reciprocal fuel.

20. Neutron stars are so dense that they are in shape like golf balls but the mass is 90 billion kilograms.

21. If the size of Earth changes to peas, then Jupiter is 300 meters away and Pluto will be 2.5 kilometers. But Pluto will not be able to see you because then its size will be as much as bacteria.

22. More than 800 billion neutrons left by the sun will be passed through your body until you read this sentence!

23. One-third of the world's electricity generation is spent only in getting light from the bulbs.

24. The universe spans more than 1 billion miles in all directions.

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